Saturday, May 16, 2020

End the Suffering with Cannabis Essay - 565 Words

Many people today are suffering great pain and agony from diseases like aids and cancer, but with an illegal drug called cannabis all that suffering will go. Cannabis is an illegal plant that can help cancer patients. I has over 400 chemicals but 60 of them are unique chemicals called cannabinoids helping many sickness and diseases. But cannabis is also used not wisely and smoked which then is called weed. Why are cigarettes and alcohol legal and cannabis illegal? Alcohol and cigarettes kill millions of people each year while cannabis rarely killed a couple of people. Also alcohol and cigarettes don’t have advantages there just addictive and harmful while cannabis might save a life. According to Bob Marley â€Å" Herb is the healing of a†¦show more content†¦Marijuana can relief many diseases and symptoms like H.I.V, Cancer, Alzheimers Disease, Anorexia, Arthritis, Cachexia, Crohns Disease, Epilepsy, Glaucoma, Migraine, Multiple Sclerosis, Nausea, Spasticity and many more. Cannabis can be consumed by Vaporizers, Edibles, Tinctures and Tonics, Topicals, Tea Sodas. Vaporizers meaning a vaporizer heats the cannabis slowly so the active ingredients evaporate into a vapor, that releasing a much lower proportion of other harmful components that come from smoking. Tinctures and tonics meaning a drop of liquid that can be placed in foods, liquids, skin or under the tongue. Smoking is another was to consume cannabis but its not recommended at all. Marijuana is in all medical ancient books written by wise men. If marijuana is prescribed by a doctor it can result into people taking advantages of it, they’ll abuse is by selling it to drug dealers. After that drug addicts will start using the marijuana even though they don’t need it. But that’s why its better to give small amounts of prescribed medical cannabis and in forms that people wont be able to smoke it. Before receiving the second prescription doctors must check the patient if he has taken the medicine. If not the doctor must not give any more so that will stop patients from selling it. At the end marijuana can be harmful but with taking care and using it wisely it can make a good difference to a persons life. I think marijuana shouldn’t beShow MoreRelatedMarijuana Prohibition : Why The United States Should Prohibited The Use Of Marijuana1430 Words   |  6 PagesCannabis Prohibition: Why the United States should prohibit the use of Cannabis. In this paper I discuss why Cannabis should not be liberated in the United States. My focus and concerns are to the harm Cannabis is bringing to society now a days. In the United States more people are being influenced and being in favor of this famous â€Å"Drug Addiction† causing by illusions as ignorance is taking over and affecting a nation that is role models to many other nations. Awareness of after effects of drugsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal? 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