Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Moral Values And Good And Bad Essay - 1409 Words

According to Nietzsche, there is a distinction between â€Å"good and evil† and â€Å"good and bad.† The former stems from what he calls the â€Å"slave revolt in morality† or herd morality, while the latter from master morality. In master morality, â€Å"good and bad† are non-moral values, while in slave morality, â€Å"good and evil† take on moral values. To distinguish â€Å"good and evil† from â€Å"good and bad† is to recognise that values can be moral or non-moral. Moral values are rules that seem to be universal or objective, and going against them would be wrong. In contrast, non-moral values are subjective and while going against them would not be encouraged, it would not be considered morally wrong to do so. Furthermore, this distinction that Nietzsche draws aims to show how our morals can be shaped and changed over time. For Nietzsche, the basis for â€Å"good and bad† developed from master morality. The concept of â€Å"good† originated with the masters, or, â€Å"the ‘good’ themselves, that is to say, the noble, powerful, high-stationed and high-minded, who felt and established themselves and their actions as good.† (113) â€Å"Good† was derived from the traits the powerful had. Traits that were the opposite of these, or traits that were absent in the powerful, such as â€Å"common,† and â€Å"plebeian† were then considered â€Å"bad.† (115) This concept of â€Å"good and bad† in master morality emerged from self-affirmation and power. The powerful created their own values out of their own self-affirmation and power. What they valuedShow MoreRelated Character, Morals, Integrity Essay697 Words   |  3 PagesCharacter, Morals, Integrity Morals, character, integrity, what do these words mean†¦.actually, the question is, do you have them. 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